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我們瞭解人人各承不同之秉賦,其性格、能力與環境各異, 故充份發揮個人潛力就是成功。


  • .113/1/24 本中心網站已正式上線。同學們可以參考網站相關訊息囉!



標題 公告日期
【跨領域學分學程/微型學程】申請113-1學期「跨領域學分學程/微型學程」作業時間及流程(113.3.27-5.8) 【Interdisciplinary Course Program/Micro Program】Application for 113-1 semester Interdisciplinary Course Program and Micro Program From March 27th to May 8th 2024-04-26
【學程倒數申請!!!】申請113-1學期「跨領域學分學程/微型學程」(113.3.27-5.8) 【Interdisciplinary Course Program/Micro Program】Application for 113-1 semester Interdisciplinary Course Program and Micro Program From March 27th to May 8th 2024-04-26
112-2數位自主學習TA諮詢時間出來囉!!!~~~教材持續開放中~~~(The time for asking questions to the TA for Professional Self-Directed Learning:Digital self-learning materials is on-line) 2024-04-25
補助及獎勵經濟不利學生/專業證照/外語文能力檢定/修習微型及跨領域學程[Subsidize and reward students who are economically disadvantaged / Professional Certificates / Foreign Language Proficiency Assessment / Completion of Micro and Interdisciplinary Studies] 2024-04-25
2024第二屆解決未來問題能力競賽,最高獎金5萬元,歡迎報名參賽!(報名至113年5月26日(星期日))2024 Future Problem-Solving Competition with a top prize of 50,000 dollars. Registration is open and welcome. 2024-04-25
【112-2課業守護公告】相關學習、諮詢、輔導時間表 112-2 Announcement of Tutorial 2024-04-25
【112-2專業證照獎勵】申請期間:3/4-6/7。112-2 Professional Certificate Incentive 2024-04-25
112-2數位自主學習新教材上線,歡迎同學善用學習資源,還能累計時數申請學分唷!!!~~~112-2semester Digital self-learning materials. 2024-04-25
2024第二屆解決未來問題能力競賽說明會暨問題發想工作坊~歡迎還在猶豫的你來參加喔!~~2024 Future Problem-Solving Competition Orientation & Workshop~ 2024-04-25
112-1學業成績進步獎結果出來囉!!!!~~~內有獎勵金及心得徵稿相關公告!!!~~The Academic Progress Award announcement for the 112-1 semester ( Reward information and reflections). 2024-04-24
【1122課業守護學伴申請及說明會事宜】即日起開放申請至113年5月3日,請教師踴躍申請並邀請,學伴請務必參與說明會! The peer learning program application and orientation. 2024-04-24
【慶恩樂學園休館公告】 The Learning Recreational Center Closing Notice. 2024-04-24
112-2學期與日俱進獎勵金申請相關事宜 112-2 Reward Application Of Advancing Day By Day 2024-04-23
【112-2微積分期中考考前輔導】輔導諮詢室及考前加強班資訊公告,請學生踴躍參與! 【112-2the tutorial for Calculus(II) 】 2024-04-23
【新密碼解鎖:從記憶到未來,學習腳蹤探索之旅。5/9(四)】一個關於學習腳蹤的故事,歡迎大家踴躍報名! The Story of Footprints. 2024-04-22
【優久聯盟-跨領域學分學程】112學年度第2學期各校「跨領域學分學程」申請【Interdisciplinary Course Program for ELECT】Application for 112-2 semester Interdisciplinary Course Program 2024-01-08
你許願,我們幫你實現!參加能力培育學習坊,實現你的夢想!You make a wish, and we help you make it come true! Participating in Learning Workshop and realize your dreams! 2023-03-28
【慶恩樂學園】活水來討論坊線上預約系統 The Discussion Corner Borrowing System 2017-02-06